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                    NEWS RELEASE ARCHIVES 2006 -- part II

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE:           December 13, 2006
CONTACT:  Diane Gramley  1.814.271.9078

Pro-Family Group Notes that PA Human Rights Commission is Again Overstepping its Mission

(State College) – The recent announcement that the Centre County Advisory Council  will begin lobbying local governments in Centre County to add ‘sexual orientation’ and ‘gender identity or expression’ to their ordinances is yet another example of the PA Human Relations Commission (PA HRC)  overstepping its bounds, a statewide pro-family group said today.   The American Family Association of Pennsylvania (AFA of PA) responded to this effort by faxing municipalities in the county to educate them on the dangers of adding such terminology to their ordinances and laws.

“State Legislators have seen the danger of adding ‘sexual orientation’ and ‘gender identity’ to state laws and refused to do so.  But openly homosexual  PA Human Relations Commission Chair Stephen Glassman has an agenda of trying to convince local municipalities that such changes are necessary.   These ordinances seek to validate a very dangerous lifestyle and, in turn, discriminate against those with deeply held religious beliefs concerning homosexual acts,” noted Diane Gramley, president of the AFA of PA.

Following is some of the information contained in the fax to elected officials in Centre County including documented cases of discrimination against those who do not accept homosexuality as normal.

q    Such laws have historically protected those with unchangeable characteristics such as gender, race, and ethnicity.  Homosexuality is not an unchangeable characteristic. A recent study published in the peer-reviewed journal, Archives of Sexual Behavior, provides population-based, prospective evidence that childhood family experiences are important determinants of homosexual behavior in adulthood. 

q    The Boy Scouts are frequent targets when such laws are passed because the Scouts ban open homosexual leaders.  Such laws have prevented them from using public parks.  Currently the City of Philadelphia is attempting to evict the Cradle of Liberty Boy Scout Council from their headquarters. 

q    In the February 4, 2004 issue of the Scranton Times News, PA Human Relations Commission Chairman Stephen Glassman agreed with AFA of PA’s assertion that such ordinances could affect groups like the Boy Scouts.

q    Gender identity or gender expression involves those individuals who believe they were born in the wrong body.  After Allentown passed such an ordinance, St. Luke’s Hospital was sued by a male podiatrist who decided he was a female and came to work dressed as such.  When objections were raised, he sued.

q    Such ordinances would permit men who believe they are women to use the woman’s restroom.  Recently the New York City Transit System, in compliance with NYC law, issued such a directive. 

q    Within recent months ‘sexual orientation’ and ‘gender identity’ phraseology in policies have forced Boston Catholic Charities out of the adoption business because they would be forced to allow same-sex couples to adopt.  Such action is against their deeply held religious beliefs.

q    Churches and other religious organizations which receive any type government funding would be forced to hire homosexual or transgender individuals.

The PA HRC statistics do not reveal a major problem with discrimination based on ‘sexual orientation.’ According to their report for July 1, 2005 to June 30, 2006, 19 bias-related incidences out of 273 were based on sexual orientation.  This figure was down from the previous year when 27 out of 300 incidences were based on sexual orientation. 

“The PA HRC has appointed all 16 members of the Centre County Advisory Council.  That in itself should raise eyebrows.  Statistics show there is no need for such ordinances.  Of the 273 total bias-related incidences in 2005 and 2006 eight of those occurred in Centre County.  Such discriminatory ordinances are not necessary in Centre County or anywhere else in Pennsylvania,” concluded Gramley.


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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE:  December 1, 2006
CONTACT:  Diane Gramley  1..814.271.9078 or 1.814.437.5355

PA Pro-family Group Is Part of AIDS Truth Coalition

To: National Desk
Contact: Peter LaBarbera, 630-717-7631; Linda Harvey, 614-442-7998; both with the AIDS Truth Coalition
Pro-Family Coalition Issues 'World AIDS Day' Appeal to Rick Warren to Address Homosexuality and 'Gay' Promiscuity
in Effort to Stop Pandemic

CHICAGO, Dec. 1 /Christian Newswire/ -- Today, World AIDS Day, a coalition of pro-family and Christian leaders is asking "Purpose-Driven Life" author Rick Warren to address head-on the issue of homosexuality and "gay" promiscuity as prime contributors to the spread of HIV in the United States, as Warren leads a "Global AIDS Summit" at his Saddleback Church in Lake Forest, California.

The "AIDS Truth Coalition" is asking Warren and other leaders in the AIDS-fighting community--including the new U.S. Global AIDS Coordinator, Mark Dybul (who identifies as "gay")--to call for the closure of all commercial homosexual bathhouses and sex clubs to help slow down the disease's spread in the United States.

"While Christians and churches mobilize to fight the HIV pandemic on far away continents, let us not neglect the major catalyst for AIDS here in the United States of America: homosexual promiscuity, tolerated and encouraged by pro-'gay,' 'safer-sex' advocates," said Peter LaBarbera, President of Americans For Truth and member of the AIDS Truth Coalition. "It's time to acknowledge the pink elephant in the room: fighting AIDS without talking against homosexuality is like fighting lung cancer without talking against smoking."

Noting that the response of "politically correct AIDS organizations" is to distribute condoms, even at homosexual bathhouses, LaBarbera said, "Passing out condoms at sex clubs designed specifically to facilitate men having reckless, anonymous sex with other men is preposterous. Wouldn't it make more sense to mobilize all government agencies--federal, state and local--to close down these disease- spreading centers to save men's lives?"

Even homosexual leaders are "reclaiming" the link between homosexuality and HIV/AIDS. Lorri Jean, CEO of the Los Angeles Gay and Lesbian Center, which recently launched an ad campaign built around the message, "HIV is a Gay Disease. Own it. End it," said:

"In Los Angeles County, gay and bisexual men make up less than 7% of the population but account for more than 75% of the people living with HIV/AIDS ...The men in our community continue to get infected at an alarming rate, continue to get sick, and continue to die. Most alarmingly, a new generation of young gay men has grown up accepting the epidemic as a community norm. That must change."

Linda Harvey, president of Mission America, said: "We call on Rick Warren to get real about HIV and AIDS in this country. Males having sex with other males is the single largest cause of HIV in the U.S. Will Warren get to the heart of what's really at stake here? Will he say, flat out, that people who are practicing homosexuality need to get out of that lifestyle? Will he tell his millions of followers that being an open and unrepentant homosexual is incompatible with the Gospel?"

Harvey said even more critical is the need to strongly direct youth away from homosexuality, and encouraged him to work for the closure of homosexual school clubs that lead students to embrace unhealthy "gay" and "transgender" identities.

"The Saddleback Church web site says they believe that 'the Bible is God's perfect guidebook for living;'" said Harvey. "Scripture calls homosexuality an 'abomination,' and the Apostle Paul in Romans chapter 1 describes how homosexual sex is an affront to God's beautiful creation. The outcome of unnatural sex is the death of thousands of people in this country. We ask Pastor Warren to step out courageously and call for an end to the misguided endorsement of homosexuality and 'gay marriage' (and its twin, 'civil unions') by those in positions of influence--including Sen. Barack Obama [whose invitation to Saddleback as a "pro-choice," pro- homosexual politician ignited condemnations by Christian leaders]."

San Diego Christian activist and former homosexual James Hartline issued the following statement:

While Pastor Rick Warren of Saddleback Church is doing a noble service for the people of Africa by holding a global summit on AIDS, I must ponder in my mind where pastors like Rick Warren were those many years when I was struggling to get out of homosexuality. For thirty years, I struggled with homosexuality and it was not until I was finally infected with AIDS at a homosexual bathhouse in San Diego, California that the physical consequences of that sin finally began to lead me away from that destructive lifestyle.
Like me, hundreds of thousands of young men have been infected in the death chambers of the gay bathhouses in California and across America. Sadly, most of them are now dead from the HIV that they caught in these establishments. ... It is noble that Rick Warren cares so much for the Africans living 10,000 miles away from his church who are infected with AIDS. It is tragic, though, that he and others like him have not spoken out forcefully against the holocaust of homosexuality and the dozens of bathhouses in California where so many men are getting sick and dying. Not to mention the millions of families that are forced to pay for the financial costs of caring for all of those sick and dying from homosexuality and the gay bathhouses where they were infected with AIDS.

Stephen Bennett, a man who once engaged in the homosexual lifestyle for over 11 years and is now happily married to his wife of 13 years and father of the couple's two children, said, "The spread of HIV and AIDS worldwide CAN come to an end ONLY when the promotion, acceptance and tolerance of homosexuality worldwide comes to an end. Pastor Rick Warren knows that truth--yet does he have the courage to proclaim that? Warren chose the noble battle to end HIV and AIDS. Well, homosexuality is a big part of that package. Rick Warren should make it his 'purpose' in his 'driven life' to drive home the truth about the destructive and deadly alliance between homosexuality, HIV and AIDS. To do anything less is hopeless, 'purposeless' and simply a waste of time."

All members of the AIDS Truth Coalition said the Bush administration sent the wrong signal about fighting AIDS when Sec. of State Condoleezza Rice officially "blessed" the homosexual relationship of Mark Dybul, the U.S. Global AIDS Coordinator, at his swearing-in ceremony Oct. 10. With the First Lady present, Ms. Rice publicly recognized Dybul's male partner, Jason Claire, and referred to Claire's mother as Dybul's "mother-in-law," thus radically redefining the family and helping to mainstream homosexual behavior.

The following pro-family leaders and organizations are part of the AIDS Truth Coalition:

Peter LaBarbera
Americans for Truth

Linda Harvey
Mission America

James Hartline
James Hartline Report

Phil Burress
Citizens for Community Values

Brian Camenker
Mass Resistance

Sandy Rios
Culture Campaign

Michael Heath
Christian Civic League of Maine

David Smith
Illinois Family Institute

Stephen J. Bennett
Stephen Bennett Ministries Worldwide

Dr. Vic Eliason
VCY America Radio Network

Randy Thomasson
Campaign for Children & Families

Diane Gramley
American Family Association of Pennsylvania

Janet Folger

Cathie Adams
Texas Eagle Forum

Christopher Long
Ohio Christian Alliance

Joe Glover, President
Family Policy Network
















FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE:  November 10, 2006
CONTACT:  Diane Gramley   1.814.271.9078 of 1.814.437.5355

Bob Casey Already Exposes His Anti-Free Speech Intentions, Traditional Values Group Says

(Harrisburg) – The Senator-elect of Pennsylvania has expressed his desire to get federal law passed that would infringe upon the First Amendment rights of millions of Americans.  The dust from the mid-term elections had not yet settled on Wednesday when Bob Casey, Jr. announced that he would be pushing for a federal hate crimes law that included ‘sexual orientation’ and ‘gender identity.’   This announcement came as payback for the support the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) gave Casey’s campaign.  The American Family Association of Pennsylvania (AFA of PA), a statewide traditional values group, denounced Bob Casey, Jr. for his partnership with this radical homosexual special rights group.

“Right here in Pennsylvania we know what hate crimes legislation that includes ‘sexual orientation’ and ‘gender identity’ can mean to Christians.  In 2004 we witnessed 11 Christians being arrested and charged with a hate crime for simply reading Scripture and singing choruses at a homosexual event.  That is what hate crimes legislation which Casey proposes means to Pennsylvania Christians,” Diane Gramley, president of the AFA of PA stated.

In a news release issued by the HRC on November 8th Bob Casey said, “HRC got behind my campaign early and has been a tremendous help. The energy and commitment they put behind our campaign was extraordinary. I look forward to working with HRC's incredible staff and membership, especially to advance hate crimes legislation in the Senate.”

“Casey ran on a pro-family, pro-life platform . . . it didn’t take him long to reveal his true colors.  Too many Pennsylvanians were misled and misinformed by Mr. Casey’s campaign rhetoric.  His partnership with the Human Rights Campaign was sealed back in February when he spoke at their fundraiser in Philadelphia,” noted Gramley.

In addition, the Federal Election Commission reveals that, the far-left interest group, has "bundled" $168,591 for the Casey campaign.  George Soros is one of the main contributors to -- a political organization once described by The Washington Post as having "a vigorously liberal agenda." In 2004 syndicated radio talk-show host Michael Savage labeled Soros a "snake" and "a dangerous, crazy man." He called "an organization of communists."

Fidelis, a conservative Catholic organization, reported on February 27th that the Human Rights Campaign collected and donated $100,000 to Casey’s campaign.  They also report he received contributions from  People for the American Way ($10,000), George Soros ($4,200), Hillary Rodham Clinton’s PAC ($5,000) and ($150,000).

“As Bob Casey, Jr. has noted himself – he’s not his dad.  His announcement on Wednesday is further evidence of that and I’m just glad his father is not alive to see the direction his son is headed,” Gramley concluded.

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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE:  November 1, 2006
CONTACT:  Diane Gramley   1.814.437.5355 or 1.814.271.9078
                     Dennis Lynch --

End of ‘Gay History Month” – What Did it Bring Philadelphia School District and Equality Forum, Pro-Family Group Asks

(Philadelphia) – Yesterday ended the so-called “Gay History Month” and Philadelphia’s recent claim to fame has been its official recognition of the month on their student calendar.   Even the concerns of outraged parents did not sway the school district’s decision.  The American Family Association of Pennsylvania (AFA of PA) had also expressed concerns with the school district the end of September and has yet to receive a response.  In the meantime Philadelphia-based Equality Forum highlighted 31 individuals throughout the month to supposedly emphasize the importance of homosexuals in history. Some individuals with a dubious history and others whose reputations have been tainted because of the claims of homosexual activists, the AFA of PA noted.  See list below.

During an October 11th school board meeting one resident testified that the children aren’t taught to read, write or master life skills.  One week later on October 19th the Philadelphia Inquirer reported that researchers from Johns Hopkins University found that 30,000 young people have dropped out between 2000 and 2005.  The researchers are calling it “Philadelphia’s Dropout Crisis” with a long term economic impact on the area.

“Perhaps if the Philadelphia School District concentrated on the real reason they are there which is academics and not social engineering, the students would have a reason for going to school.  What lessons did the almost 200,000 students learn in October that will help them academically, that will help them graduate?” questioned Diane Gramley, president of the AFA of PA.

Below is a partial list of those who Equality Forum highlighted during October.

Ellen DeGeneres – admitted in May 2005 that she was molested as a teenager – molestation while a teen is very common for those who identify as homosexual

Barney Frank – openly homosexual Congressman from Massachusetts whose 
partner was involved in a homosexual prostitution ring out of their home

Father Mychal Judge –  shortly after his death at the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001 he was falsely accused by homosexual activists as being ‘gay.’   Close friend and disabled New York City police officer Steven McDonald has adamantly accused homosexual activist Brendan Fay of making the story up to further his efforts to normalize homosexuality.  Fay adamantly attacked the Catholic Church by trying to have homosexuals march as a recognized unit in the St. Patrick’s Day parade.  Father Mychal became very close to McDonald and his wife and son after the 1986 shooting which left him paralyzed from the neck down.  He traveled several time to Ireland with the McDonalds carrying the message of forgiveness and reconciliation. 

"They were, as my dear mother says, 'two peas in a pod,' Steven and 'Father Mike,' wrote Keith Fournier, founder of the Catholic group, Common Good. "Two Irish men with smiling eyes, a love for Ireland (and America) and hearts full of laughter. Father Mychal loved Steven. He knew that though racked with constant pain, Steven had found the path to peace and the balm of the Saints.”

So . . .  who would know Father Mychal better?  Steven McDonald or Brendan Fay?

Ian McKellen--  best known for his role as Gandolf the magician in The Lord of the
 Rings triology is using his fame and fortune to advocate for a lifestyle that was viewed 
as sinful by the Christian author of The Lord of the Rings – J.R.R. Tolkien.  Additionally, 
has admitted that when at hotels in which Gideon Bibles are available he rips out the 
pages which condemn homosexuality.

Sheryl Swoopes—in October 2005 told an Associated Press reporter that she was not born homosexual, but chose to live as a lesbian

Oscar Wilde – served prison time for preying upon young men

“The Philadelphia School District is being duped into equating homosexuality with a civil right even as annually about 13,000 students officially drop out of or rarely attend school.  The School District in Philadelphia is doing a great disservice to the families in that city.  On the other hand, Equality Forum and other organizations are working to normalize the homosexual lifestyle and what better way than to get into the schools with the message that ‘gay is okay and we have a month on the calendar to prove it.’  The children are the guinea pigs in this experiment and all of society will be the loser, Gramley commented.

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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE:  October 30, 2006
CONTACT:  Diane Gramley   1.814.437.5355 or 1.814.271.9078

Senatorial Candidates Respond to Pro-Family Group’s Question on New Jersey Supreme Court Decision on Marriage – or Do They?

(Harrisburg) – Last Wednesday the New Jersey Supreme Court handed down a decision giving the legislative body 180 days to legalize same-sex marriage or civil unions with all the same rights as traditional one man one woman marriage.  In light of that decision the American Family Association of Pennsylvania (AFA of PA) faxed both Senator Santorum and State Treasurer Bob Casey, Jr. campaign headquarters asking them if they had changed their positions on Marriage Protection Amendments – giving them until 5:00 p.m. Friday to respond.  The AFA of PA received a response from Senator Santorum, but the Casey campaign remains silent on the issue.

Senator Santorum responded, “As you may know, I strongly believe in defending traditional marriage, and I am saddened by the recent ruling in New Jersey. I support, and continue to advocate for, a Constitutional Amendment to define marriage as a union of one man and one woman on both the state and Federal level.”

Bob Casey is on record as opposing Marriage Protection Amendments on both the state and federal level.  He has also stated that he supports civil unions. 

"I don't support gay marriage, but I also don't support a constitutional amendment banning it," Casey told The Philadelphia Jewish Voice in the October 9th 2005 issue. "However, I do support same sex unions that would give gay couples all the rights, privileges and protections of marriage."

“This issue is important to Pennsylvanians and all Americans as is evidenced in the overwhelming passage of Marriage Protection Amendments in 20 states and the fact that eight more states will be voting on such amendments next Tuesday.  Each candidate – no matter what the office -- should be willing to respond to this important question and it was very troubling when Bob Casey, Jr. did not respond,” noted Diane Gramley, president of the AFA of PA.


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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE:  October 25, 2006
CONTACT:  Diane Gramley    1.814.271.9078 or 1.814.437.5355

Another Example of Judicial Tyranny – Today’s New Jersey Decision on Homosexual Relationships

(Harrisburg) –   Today’s decision by the New Jersey Supreme Court demanding that the legislative body give same-sex couples the same marriage rights as heterosexual couples is yet another example of a judicial branch that has gone awry, said the American Family Association of Pennsylvania (AFA of PA).   The balance of power is becoming increasingly unbalanced as we see this action in New Jersey today– there are three branches of government and the framework set down by the Founding Fathers does not  allow for the judicial branch to dictate to the legislative branch what laws to make.

With the upcoming election the question of same-sex marriage and constitutional marriage protection amendments should be the first question out of the mouths of voters . . .   Where do the candidates stand on the issue?  Do they stand with the majority of voters in Pennsylvania who want to protect marriage or do they stand with the fringe?   The AFA of PA has faxed those very questions to the campaign headquarters of the two candidates running for the U.S. Senate – Senator Rick Santorum and State Treasurer Bob Casey, Jr.

“New Jersey’s 4-3 decision shows how out of touch the judges are to the rest of the state and shows a total disregard to an institution that has historically been the bedrock of society.  They have simply made marriage a benefit package.  As in the case of a three-legged stool, if one leg is longer than the others the stool is off-balance and cannot effectively fulfill its role . . . the government cannot correctly fulfill its role if the judicial branch is stronger than the legislative and executive branches,” noted Diane Gramley, president of the AFA of PA.

The Court found that there is no fundamental right to same-sex marriage and should have stopped there.  But supposedly because society is changing and apparently their Constitution is a living and changing document, the New Jersey Supreme Court has given the legislative body 180 days to legalize some form of same-sex relationship – either full-fledged same-sex marriage or civil unions.

“Today’s decision further highlights the need for marriage protection amendments. Pennsylvania’s neighbor is on the verge of legalizing same-sex marriage and because of actions in the Pennsylvania Senate in June we are no closer to getting a marriage protection amendment before the people than we were this time last year.  Legislators who are truly concerned with the well-being of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania need to make a constitutional amendment to protect marriage their top priority,” Gramley commented.


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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE:  October 19, 2006
CONTACT:  Diane Gramley   1.814.271.9078 or 1.814.437.5355


(Harrisburg) –  Two Pennsylvania professors arrested in as many months for sexual molestation of boys presents a question of safety said a statewide pro-family organization.  Last Thursday Shippensburg University professor Richard W. Gibbs, who suddenly retired in the spring, was arrested in Panama and faces child molestation charges in four states. The American Family Association of Pennsylvania (AFA of PA) again points out the fact that the victims were young males between the ages of 10 and 16.

“As in the case of the University of Pennsylvania ignoring the 1999 solicitation charges against professor emeritus Lawrence Scott Ward who was arrested in August on child molestation charges of young boys, Shippensburg University did the same thing.  Three years prior to beginning work at Shippensburg Richard W. Gibbs pleaded guilty to indecent assault on a 13-year-old boy.  Are universities trying to be ‘politically correct’ by ignoring these charges for fear of being labeled ‘homophobic?” questioned Diane Gramley, president of the AFA of PA.

Can parents safely send their children to colleges and universities even for a field trip?  One of the young victims said that he was assaulted in several locations including the restroom next to Professor Gibbs office.  Can parents believe that their underclassmen sons will be safe at an institution of higher education that ignores the records of molestation of potential professors.

Some studies to consider in this debate:

Homosexualities, a Simon and Schuster book by Alan Bell, reports that 25 percent of homosexual men admit to having had sex with boys who are 16 or under.

 A survey of readers was conducted by "The Advocate," a homosexual newsmagazine. Of the 2,500 respondents, 21 percent admitted that an adult man committed a sexual act with them by the age they were 15.

Homosexual Alfred Kinsey, the preeminent sexual researcher in the history of sexual research, found in 1948 that 37 percent of all male homosexuals admitted to having sex with children under 17 years old.

A 1989 study in the Journal of Sex Research noted that “. . . the proportion of sex offenders against male children among homosexual men is substantially larger than the proportion of sex offenders against female children among heterosexual men . . . the development of pedophilia is more closely linked with homosexuality than with heterosexuality.”

• A1988 study of 229 convicted child molesters published in the Archives of Sexual Behavior found that 86% of pedophiles described themselves as homosexual or bisexual

Homosexual activists Karla Jay and Allen Young revealed in their 1979 Gay Report that 23% of all homosexuals have acted as “chicken hawks” — that is, they have preyed on adolescent or younger boys.

“How many more young victims will there be before the adults in this nation rise up to defend our children from those who would prey upon them?  The AFA of PA calls on not only the University of Pennsylvania and Shippensburg University, but all institutions of higher education in the Commonwealth to look at the statistics, stop trying to be politically correct, and act responsibly to protect our children,” Gramley stated.


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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE:  October 16, 2006
CONTACT:  Diane Gramley    1.814.437.5355 or 1.814.271.9078

Newly Released FBI Hate Crimes Stats Show that Homosexuals Are Not the Victims They Claim to Be

(Harrisburg) – Today the FBI released its 2005 Hate Crimes Statistics again proving that homosexual activists are using their political power to exaggerate the extent of hate crimes committed against homosexuals, the American Family Association of Pennsylvania (AFA of PA) said.  Once again racial bias topped the list of hate crimes committed against individuals  -- 54.7% up from 52.9 % in 2004 and 51.4% in 2003. 

“Homosexuals have been pulling the victim card for the past several years and the statistics do not prove their assertions.  The AFA of PA believes that all Americans should be given equal protection under the law and that all crimes should be punished equally – special classes of people provide unequal protection.  As the hate crime laws stand now, a crime against a homosexual male is viewed as being a worse crime than a crime against an 87-year-old grandmother or a 7-year-old girl,” noted Diane Gramley, president of the AFA of PA, a statewide traditional values group. 

As outlined in the FBI 2005 Hate Crimes Statistics the hate crimes against homosexuals have gradually declined between 2003 to 2005 – from 16.6 % in 2003 to 14.2% in 2005.  Putting this into perspective one must note that involves a total of 7,163 criminal incidents based on bias in 2005 and 7,489 bias-motivated incidents in 2003.  The FBI defines these crimes as toward a particular race, religion, sexual orientation, ethnicity/national origin, or physical or mental disability.

Again, as in the past, intimidation makes up the larger portion of hate crimes – accounting for 48.9%.  This is a continuing decrease from 49.7% in 2003.

In Pennsylvania the FBI reports 118 hate crimes  of those 60 were based on race, 36 on religious bias, 13 on sexual orientation, 8 on ethnicity and 1 on disability.  This is out of a population of 11,564,862.

“These statistics are not exposing the greater danger to homosexuals – same-sex domestic violence.  According to the National Coalition of Anti-Violence Programs, in 2002 there were 4,434 reported incidences of same-sex domestic violence and in 2003 there were 5,374 reported incidences.    So . . .  are homosexuals in greater danger from so-called homophobia or from their own partners?” questioned Gramley.


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CONTACT:  Diane Gramley   1.814 437.5355 or 1.814.271.9078
Pro-Family Group Says Westboro Baptist ‘Church’ Trying to Hold Pennsylvania Hostage
(Harrisburg) --  The American Family Association of Pennsylvania (AFA of PA) is calling the tactics of the so-called Westboro Baptist ‘Church’ outrageous in light of their threatened protest at the funerals of the Amish girls shot on Monday by an armed intruder.  Earlier today the Topeka, Kansas Westboro Baptist ‘Church’ announced that it would protest, but later stated that a protest would not be held if they were given air time in the Pennsylvania media. 
“This so-called church is trying to hold Pennsylvania hostage by its threatened protest at the funerals of these five little girls if the media doesn’t give them airtime. Issuing such ultimatums puts them in the same league as terrorists,” remarked Diane Gramley, president of the AFA of PA. 
Governor Rendell plans on attending the funerals.   According to the group’s news release, the funeral protests will take place as ‘punishment’ for “Governor Ed Rendell’s blasphemous sins against WBC” in statements during a recent television interview. Blasphemy has historically been viewed as defaming God’s name.
“The Westboro Baptist ‘Church’ is apparently reading a different bible than I do.  My Bible says that we all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.  It also views sin as sin whether it is the sin of engaging in homosexual sex or murder, lying, adultery or stealing. It’s all sin in God’s eyes.  God doesn’t zero in on just one sin as this ‘church’ does,” commented Gramley.
“One media outlet has given into the demands for airtime – the terrorists have won and the protest has been cancelled.  But using this most recent media stunt and targeting the Amish community for protests simply because the Governor plans on attending, once again shows how off-base this group is. These tactics continue to alienate them from Bible-believing Christians who know that homosexuality is sin, but also know there is hope for all sinners through the saving grace of Jesus Christ.  It is time for the Christian community to speak up,” Gramley continued.
Even as moderate Muslims have been urged to speak out against the Taliban and other Islamic terrorists, it is time for the Christian community to speak out against  the Westboro Baptist ‘Church’  which is hiding behind the name of God to support its unbiblical teachings and activities..
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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE:  September 29, 2006
CONTACT:  Diane Gramley   1.814.271.9078 or 1.814.437.5355

Massachusetts Judge’s Decision Shows Judicial Tyranny Still Reigns, Pro-Family Group Says

(Pittsburgh)  -- Today’s decision by a Massachusetts judge to allow two Rhode Island lesbians to marry in Massachusetts is an outrage and further proof that judicial tyranny is still alive and well, noted the American Family Association of Pennsylvania (AFA of PA). 

“Homosexual activists pushing for same-sex marriage know that they will not win at the ballot box – that’s been proven in twenty states so far that overwhelmingly passed Marriage Protection Amendments.  Today’s decision again shows that their hope lies in judicial decisions that go beyond the will of the people,” stated Diane Gramley, president of the AFA of PA.

Rhode Island’s Attorney General, Thomas Reilley had argued that Rhode Island statutes use gender-specific terms, including both "bride" and "groom," and it was clear the intention was to define marriage as a union between a man and a woman.  Yet Superior Court Judge Thomas Connolly ruled that Rhode Island’s law was not specific enough and thus the 1913 law that had blocked out–of-state homosexuals from coming to get married did not apply in the case of the Rhode Island lesbians.

“This ruling should energize voters in the eight states that have Marriage Protection Amendments on their ballots this November.  They must vote to protect marriage as it has historically been defined.  This will also re-energize those of us here in Pennsylvania who know the best step to protect traditional marriage is by way of a constitutional amendment,” Gramley noted.

The AFA of PA calls on legislators to make Pennsylvania’s Marriage Protection Amendment their top priority in the new session.  Defining marriage in our Constitution as between one man and one woman and prohibiting marriage by another name – civil unions – is not discriminatory, but is a move to protect the foundation of this Commonwealth.  It is simply strengthening what has been historically recognized throughout time.  Let the people vote on marriage!


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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE:  September 28, 2006
CONTACT:  Diane Gramley   1.814.437.5355 or 1.814.271.9078
                     Chancellor Mark Nordenberg:  1.412. 624-4200

University Of Pittsburgh Graduate School of Education’s Partnership With GLSEN is Dangerous

(Pittsburgh) –  Today the American Family Association of Pennsylvania (AFA of PA) faxed a request to University of Pittsburgh Chancellor Mark Nordenberg asking him to end their partnership with the Gay, Lesbian Straight Education Network (GLSEN).  It was revealed earlier this week that all future teachers in their graduate program must participate in workshops led by GLSEN trainers.

“These workshops are led by those who want to normalize and validate the homosexual lifestyle.  Future teachers should be taught how to teach academics to students in a classroom setting, not how to mislead students into believing that ‘gay is okay,’” stated Diane Gramley, president of the AFA of PA, a statewide traditional values group. 

The University of Pittsburgh’s partnership with GLSEN is part of a nationwide effort to indoctrinate teachers and students that homosexuality is a safe, alternative lifestyle while ignoring the facts.  Some of these facts were outlined in the letter to Chancellor Nordenberg:

q      There is no scientific evidence that anyone is born gay

q      There are thousands of ex-gays

q      Health risks include psychological and eating disorders

q      There are greater incidences of substance abuse and domestic violence among homosexuals

q      The Oxford University International Journal of Epidemiology reports that men who have sex with men shorten their lives by up to 20 years.

q      The Centers for Disease Control states that two out of three cases of HIV/AIDS are men who have sex with men.

q      Lesbians have higher incidences of breast and ovarian cancers.

All students should be permitted to learn in a safe environment free from harassment and bullying, but to tell a confused student that he or she was born homosexual is wrong – without any scientific basis --  and places that student in danger.

“The parents of future students of the graduates of the University of Pittsburgh Graduate School of Education have a right to know that their children will not be encouraged to experiment with homosexual sex and will not be told that homosexuality is a civil rights issue.  The University of Pittsburgh has a responsibility to those future students to keep them safe from harm and one of the best ways is to end their partnership with GLSEN,” concluded Gramley.

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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE:  September 27, 2006
CONTACT:  Diane Gramley  1.814.437.5355 or 1.814.271.9078

Pro-Family Group Joins Parents in Objecting to Recognition of ‘Gay History Month’

(Philadelphia) – Yesterday’s revelation of the Philadelphia School District’s recognition of ‘Gay History Month’ in their published student calendar has caused a stir in the City.   Today a statewide pro-family group joined the chorus of voices opposing the district’s decision.     

“Of all the places in Pennsylvania, Philadelphia should be the most concerned with promoting this lifestyle as it has the highest reported cases of HIV/AIDS in the state. Unfortunately, the Philadelphia School District is following in the dangerous footsteps set down by Mayor John Street in his promotion of homosexuality,” commented Diane Gramley, president of the American Family Association of Pennsylvania (AFA of PA).

Today in a faxed statement sent to Philadelphia School District CEO, Paul Vallas, the AFA of PA outlined some reasons the school should reconsider its decision.  Those reasons included the following: 

q     The Oxford University International Journal of Epidemiology reports that men who have sex with men shorten their lives by up to 20 years.

q     The Centers for Disease Control report that 2 out of 3 cases of HIV/AIDS are men who have sex with men

Additionally, in 2004 Pennsylvania ranked eighth in the nation for number of reported AIDS cases – with Philadelphia having the highest number in PA. 

  It is reported that 9th graders will be required to read a book with short stories about teens ‘coming out’ as homosexual.  There is no scientific evidence that people are born ‘gay,’ yet your message to students will be quite the opposite.  How can a school district in good conscious promote this lifestyle  . . .

Bullying should never be tolerated and all students should be provided a safe learning environment, but to validate a lifestyle that causes harm is wrong.

As many black leaders have said, homosexuality is a lifestyle choice . . .  they have no choice over the skin color they were born with, but homosexuals make a conscious decision to enter that lifestyle.”

End fax

Gramley continued, “Unlike Mayor Street’s promotion of the homosexual lifestyle, Mr. Vallas is dealing with a captive audience of impressionable school children.  Will the district be deemed negligent in coming years if some of those students embrace homosexuality and become infected with HIV?  It should be a school district’s responsibility to protect their students and provide them with accurate information and not information pushed by those with an agenda.”


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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE:  September 20, 2006
CONTACT:  Diane Gramley  1.814.437.5355 or 1.814.271.907

Is West Chester Borough Poised to Ban the Boy Scouts and Require Churches to Hire Homosexuals, Pro-family Group Asks

(Philadelphia) – West Chester Borough’s move to vote on adding ‘sexual orientation’ and ‘gender identity’ to its anti-discrimination ordinance will have adverse effects which they are not explaining to the public.  The American Family Association of Pennsylvania (AFA of PA), a statewide traditional values group, began an educational effort Monday afternoon in an effort to inform the community of the potential consequences of making this change and to call Borough Council President Paul Fitzpatrick with their concerns.

“There have been no complaints about discrimination against homosexuals, bisexuals or transgender individual, yet the Borough Council is moving ahead with their plans to add this language giving special rights to a group of people simply because of the sexual activity in which they engage.   This will cause problems for West Chester even as such ordinances have in other areas,” commented Diane Gramley, president of the AFA of PA

q    In Allentown St. Luke’s Hospital was forced to allow a male doctor to come to work in a dress.

q    In Chicago, the Salvation Army was forbidden to have a contract with the city.

q    In Boston Catholic Charities has been forced out of the adoption business because they follow church teaching and will not adopt to same-sex ‘families.’

q    Philadelphia is working to evict the Boy Scouts from their own building located on city property.

“If the ordinance changes are passed in West Chester Borough those who believe that homosexual acts are sinful  because of their deeply held religious beliefs will be forced to lay their beliefs aside or face prosecution,” Gramley noted.

--Landlords no matter what their religious beliefs are, will be forced to rent to homosexuals, bisexuals and transgenders.

--Employers will be forced to allow men who believe they are women to come to work in a skirt and heels.

--The Boy Scouts may be prohibited from the use of borough parks because of their ban on open homosexual leaders.

“Since there are no reports of homosexuals, bisexuals and transgenders being discriminate against, why the push to get this special rights ordinance passed? Does someone have an agenda?” questioned Gramley.

Homosexuals already have the same rights of every American citizen.  Why should they be given special rights simply because of their sexual activity?



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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE:   September 18, 2006
CONTACT:  Diane Gramley   1.814.437.5355 or 1.814.271.9078                             

Statewide Anti-Pornography Group Joins Others Asking for Meeting with President Bush

(Harrisburg) – Earlier this month the American Family Association of Pennsylvania (AFA of PA) joined 80 other pro-family organizations to request a meeting with President George W. Bush concerning enforcement of the federal obscenity laws.

“The Department of Justice and the FBI are charged with enforcing obscenity laws throughout the nation and we have every right to expect those laws to be enforced.  The law is the law, it doesn’t matter whether the laws are motor vehicle laws or obscenity laws, they need to be upheld,” stated Diane Gramley, president of the AFA of PA.

Through this letter, the AFA of PA and its supporters are joining hands with the 25 million American families that are represented by the groups who signed on.  We are simply asking President Bush for an opportunity to meet with him and express our concerns about the lack of consistent and aggressive prosecution of existing federal obscenity laws.  We have every right to expect these laws be taken seriously. 

Following is the letter to President Bush:

 September 1, 2006

The Honorable George W. Bush
President of the United States
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue N.W.
Washington, DC  20500

Dear Mr. President:

Greetings.  We are writing to you on a matter of great importance, one on which we know you agree with us.  That matter is the widespread availability of illegal, obscene material and its effect on our culture.  So-called “adult” hardcore pornography continues to inflict incalculable damage on children and families.  It contributes to the destruction of marriage, the demeaning of both women and men, and the sexual exploitation of children and adults.  We are compelled, then, by this ongoing victimization to ask you to expand the Administration’s crackdown on this scourge.  To discuss this issue further, we respectfully request to meet with you at the earliest opportunity.

We have organized successful efforts in communities all across America to stop the spread of pornography.  However, based on many years of experience, we know that it is crucial to have the Federal Government vigorously enforce obscenity laws.  We saw what an incredible difference efforts by the Department of Justice made in the enforcement of obscenity laws under your father and President Reagan.  Current research shows that the public still strongly desires greater enforcement of these statutes:

·        82 percent of American adults surveyed said that federal laws against Internet obscenity should be vigorously enforced (Wirthlin Worldwide, March 2004).

·        77 percent of adults polled supported the DOJ’s crackdown on obscene material (Harris Interactive, November 2005).

Your help is essential because pornographers and sexual predators are increasingly targeting America’s most vulnerable citizens: our children.  A recent report revealed 33 percent of youth had unwanted exposure to sexual material online in the past year, and 1 in 7 youth received unwanted sexual solicitations during the same period (“Online Victimization of Youth: Five Years Later,” Internet Crimes Against Children Research Center at the University of New Hampshire).  If we allow obscenity to go unchecked in our nation, it will only fuel this tragic exploitation.

We urge you to once again speak out publicly against illegal obscenity.  A meeting with the nation’s anti-pornography leaders would afford an ideal forum to accomplish this also request goal.  We hope that your Administration will step up its enforcement of federal obscenity laws by providing FBI field assistance to obscenity prosecutions and furnishing the Obscenity Prosecution Task Force at the DOJ with several additional prosecutors along with greater resources.  We applaud Attorney General Gonzales and Brent Ward for their initial efforts though the Obscenity Prosecution Task Force, but we recommend that the work of this vital office be expanded. 

Thank you for considering the importance of this issue.  We value the Administration’s accomplishments in the fight against illegal obscenity thus far and trust that we can discuss ways to partner with you on this crucial endeavor to further protect children and families.  God bless you, Mr. President. 

Most sincerely,

Alan E. Sears
Former Executive Director
Attorney General’s Commission on Pornography

James C. Dobson, Ph.D.
Founder and Chairman
Focus on the Family

Tony Perkins
Family Research Council

Richard Cizik
Vice President
National Assoc. of Evangelicals

Gary Bauer
American Values

Donald E. Wildmon
Founder and Chairman
American Family Association

Donna M. Hughes
Professor & Carlson Endowed Chair
University of Rhode Island

Phil Burress
Citizens for Community Values

Dr. Richard Land
Southern Baptist Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission

Robert Peters
Morality in Media
New York, New York

Richard A. Viguerie

Reverend William Owens
Coalition of African American Pastors

Jan LaRue
Chief Counsel,
Concerned Women for America

Rick Schatz
President and CEO
National Coalition for the Protection of Children & Families

Donna Rice Hughes
Enough is Enough

Bill Johnson
American Decency Association

Michael J. DePrimo
Senior Litigation Counsel
American Family Association
Center for Law & Policy

Charlie Butts
Religion Editor
USA Radio Network

Susan Liang
Independent Scholar
Honolulu, Hawaii

Pastor Rod Parsley
Founder & President
Center for Moral Clarity

Debbie Stac
Executive Director
Center for Moral Clarity

Patrick Mangan
Executive Director
Citizens for Community Values of Indiana

Joseph Sergio
Citizens for Community Values of Indiana


Matt & Melanie Larson
Guardian of Angels Foundation

Mike Hein
Christian Civic League of Maine

Gary Glenn
American Family Association

Jennifer McLaughlin
Vice President
Be A Child's Hero Foundation & Network

Shaleen Horrocks
Executive Director
Paul & Lisa Program
Westbrook, CT

Joe Glover
Family Policy Network, Inc.

Tom Shields
Coalition for Marriage and Family

Steven W. Fitschen
The National Legal Foundation

Claudia Barlow
Consultant to Medicine on Human Trafficking

Dr. Rukhsana B. Tak-Khan
Ph.D. Law (Research)
Jersey City, NJ 07305

Kathy Kramer
PO Box 409
Larkspur, CO 80118

Adam McManus
Host of "Take A Stand"
AM 630, KSLR Radio
San Antonio, Texas

Laura Christensen, LISW
Solution-Focused Services
Santa Fe, NM

John Stemberger
President & General Counsel
Florida Family Policy Council

Peggy S. Birchfield
President of the Religious Freedom Action Coalition

William J. Murray
Religious Freedom Coalition

Captain Isaiah Allen
Commanding Officer
The Salvation Army - Easton Corps.

Nancy Parker
Milwaukee, WI

Diane Gramley
American Family Association of Pennsylvania

Roger Young
Special Agent, FBI retired
Roger Young Consulting
Reno, Nevada

Larry Cirignano
Executive Director

Stephen J Ensley
Executive Director
Cleanwww Inc. aka
Niceville FL 32578

Dr. Keith Wiebe
American Association of Christian Schools

James L. Lambert
TV talk show host

Carl K. Crowe
President and State Director
American Family Association
New Jersey

Douglas P. Stiegler
Executive Director
Association of Maryland Families

Kent Ostrander
The Family Foundation of Kentucky

Thomas R. Rodgers
Detective Lieutenant (retired)
Indianapolis Police Department

Chuck Hurley
Iowa Family Policy Center

TJ Nichols
Nichols-Hybrid Design, Inc.
Naples, Florida

Captain (Dr) Cindy-Lou Drummond
The Salvation Army
Oil City, PA

Robert Regier
Executive Director
South Dakota Family Policy Council

Randall Murphree
Editor, AFA Journal

Gregory Carlin
Irish Anti-Trafficking Coalition

David E. Smith
Executive Director
Illinois Family Institute

D. Bryan Wickens
Reclaim Our Culture Kentuckiana, Inc. (“ROCK”)

Michael N. Duff
United Families Idaho

Dr. Carl Herbster

Keith S. Fimian
Chairman & Founder
U.S. Inspect, LLC

Bill Brooks
North Carolina Family Policy Council

Richard Bott. President and
Richard Bott, II, Executive Vice President
Bott Radio Network

C. Preston Noell III
Tradition, Family, Property, Inc.

Gene Mills
Executive Director
Louisiana Family Forum

Attorney David Gibbs III
Gibbs Law Firm, P.A., Florida

Cathi Herrod
The Center for Arizona Policy

Maurine Proctor
Family Leader Network

Tim Echols

Ron Shuping
Executive VP of Programming
The Inspiration Television Networks

Bobbie PatraY
Tennessee Eagle Forum

Rev. Duane Motley
Executive Director
New Yorkers for Constitutional Freedoms

Len Deo
New Jersey Family Policy Council

Margaret Purvis,
Faces of Children Ministry
Midland, TX

Gayle Christie
Houston, Texas

Norma Jeter
Spring, Texas

Deany Meinke
Houston, Texas

Patrick A. Trueman
Former Chief
Child Exploitation and Obscenity Section
U.S. Dept. of Justice














FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE:  September 14, 2006
CONTACT:  Diane Gramley  1.814.437.5355 or 1.814.271.9078

Philadelphia Mayor Street Says Health Concerns Made Him Sign City Smoking Ban . . .  Pro-family Group Asks Why He Isn’t Concerned About Promoting a Greater Danger

(Philadelphia) – Today Philadelphia Mayor John Street signed into law a smoking ban in restaurants and bars.  The American Family Association of Pennsylvania (AFA of PA) is concerned that the Mayor is not targeting the greater risk in his city – promotion of the homosexual lifestyle. 

“The Mayor is turning a blind eye to the greater health risks of homosexual acts.  The taxpayers in Philadelphia have been forced to support the promotion of their city as ‘gay-friendly’ through the “Get your History Straight, and Your Nightlife Gay" campaign to the tune of $300,000 since December 2003. Through signing this law the Mayor is targeting the crowd that presents the lesser health risk,” said Diane Gramley, president of the AFA of PA, a statewide pro-family group.

The New England Journal of Medicine reported that men who smoked shortened their lives by up to 7.2 years.   The Oxford University International Journal of Epidemiology stated that men who have sex with men shorten their lives by up to 20 years.  Which is the more dangerous of the two practices?

“In 2004 Pennsylvania was one of the top ten states for HIV infections in America.   In the spring of that same year the CDC reported that 60% of all new HIV infections were men who have sex with men.  So . . . .why is Mayor Street not taking steps to counter this public health risk?” questioned Gramley.

“The AFA of PA encourages the Mayor to not only protect individuals from smoking, but to take steps to educate on the real dangers of homosexual acts and quit promoting the more dangerous lifestyle,” Gramley concluded.

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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE:  September 11, 2006
CONTACT:  Diane Gramley    1.814.437.5355 or 1.814.271.9078

Anti-Pornography Group Applauds Pulaski Township for Shutting Down Adultland XXX!  West Salem Township, Mercer County Needs to Learn a Lesson from Them – Pass an Ordinance!!

(Pittsburgh) – Tonight the Pulaski Township Board of Supervisors unanimously voted to shut down the local sexually oriented business for one calendar year.  The vote followed a hearing on Wednesday, September 6th in which evidence was introduced that Adultland XXX was open on Flag Day, a state holiday, which the ordinance forbids.  Last October they were also open on Columbus Day. Diane Gramley, president of the American Family Association of Pennsylvania (AFA of PA), attended both meetings and applauded the Board’s decision. 

“The Supervisors’ decision tonight proves that they are willing to uphold the ordinance to the fullest extent of the law and that it’s not just a bunch of words on a piece of paper.  Their consistently strong stand on this issue is a welcome relief in the fight against pornography.  Additionally, it should be noted, especially by the Board of Supervisors of West Salem Township, Mercer County, that these ordinances work,” stated Gramley.

West Salem has refused to consider a licensing ordinance to regulate the sexually oriented business in their township.   Their Board of Supervisors should take a special note of this decision – they can still pass a licensing ordinance which will directly affect the sexually oriented business that already exists in their township.

Pulaski Township’s ordinance was passed several months after Adultland opened in 2000.  Citizen outrage at that point forced the supervisors to pass the licensing ordinance and it has survived several court challenges by the owner of Adultland XXX.    The AFA of PA has made copies of this ordinance available to municipalities across the state that want to protect their citizens from the negative effects of pornography. 

“The AFA of PA once again encourages the West Salem Township Supervisors to pass a licensing ordinance modeled after Pulaski Township’s.  During the past four years concerned citizens and representatives of the AFA of PA have met with the supervisors, not only expressing concerns over the Headliners Club but presenting them with model ordinances  . . . all to no avail.  Last night’s vote proves they work.  What is preventing the supervisors from acting?” Gramley questioned.

The negative secondary affects of these type businesses on the surrounding community are well documented and recognized by the courts.  The AFA of PA encourages all municipalities in the state to pass regulatory ordinances to protect their citizens from the negative impact of these businesses.


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CONTACT:  Diane Gramley   1.814.437.5355 or 1.814.271.9078

Group Says Situation at University of Pennsylvania Again Proves Boy Scouts are Right

(Philadelphia) – Earlier this month the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia was lauded by the Advocate, a homosexual magazine, as one of the top 20’gay’ friendly Ivy League schools in the nation.  In a released statement, Penn Provost Ron Daniels said, “Penn is proud to be a campus where all our students and staff are valued for their contributions.”  With the recent arrest of professor emeritus Lawrence Scott Ward on child sex charges, the American Family Association of Pennsylvania (AFA of PA) is wondering if the university is still proud of that recognition.  Additionally, as the City of Philadelphia continues its attack on the Cradle of Liberty Scout Council will they take notice of this current situation?

“This is the third time Professor Ward has faced sex charges involving young men.  His 1999 conviction of solicitation was not considered serious enough by the University and he continued to teach and maintain an office on campus.  But his arrest Sunday just proves that the Boy Scouts are right when they ban open homosexuals from being leaders.  Philadelphia needs to sit up and take notice,” commented Diane Gramley, president of the AFA of PA.

Some statistics to consider:

Homosexualities, a Simon and Schuster book by Alan Bell, reports that 25 percent of homosexual men admit to having had sex with boys who are 16 or under.

 A survey of readers was conducted by "The Advocate," a homosexual newsmagazine. Of the 2,500 respondents, 21 percent admitted that an adult man committed a sexual act with them by the age they were 15.

Research scientist and professor of psychiatry Gene G. Abel, M.D., has conducted a study of non-incarcerated child sex offenders and has found that homosexuals "sexually molest young boys with an incidence that is occurring five times greater than the molestation of girls."  More specifically, the report shows that, on average, 150.2 boys are molested per homosexual offender, whereas only 19.8 girls are molested per heterosexual offender. Homosexual offenders admitted between 23.4 and 281.7 acts of molesting boys.

The University of Pennsylvania has created a dangerous situation for their students and homosexual groups sing their praises.  The Boy Scouts take steps to protect the boys in their charge by banning homosexual leaders and these same homosexual groups browbeat the Scouts.  Who has the best interest of young men in mind? 

“The AFA of PA continues to encourage Mayor John Street and the City of Philadelphia to do what is right – look at the facts and work to protect, not evict the Boy Scouts in their City.  Don’t allow what the University of Pennsylvania has allowed,” Gramley stated.


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CONTACT:  Diane Gramley   1.814.437.1982 or 1.814.271.9078

Anti- Pornography Group Asks PA Attorney General to Appeal Third Circuit Nude Dancing Decision

(Harrisburg) –  Today a statewide anti-pornography group asked Attorney General Tom Corbett to appeal the outrageous decision by the three-judge panel of the Third Circuit Court of Appeals which declared Pennsylvania’s ban on nude dancing and lap dances at businesses with liquor licenses unconstitutional.   The American Family Association of Pennsylvania (AFA of PA) which began its ‘Municipalities Project’ last year is concerned about the negative impact the ruling will have on families and communities.

“Last year we began contacting all 2,570 municipalities in the state and letting them know of the legality of passing zoning and licensing ordinances to regulate sexually oriented businesses.  Additionally, the AFA of PA has worked with municipalities to get bottle club referendums on ballots to allow voters to decide whether they want to ban bottle clubs in their community.  Will this ruling affect these municipalities which have passed zoning and licensing ordinances or bottle club referendums,” questioned Diane Gramley, president of the AFA of PA.

Some owners of such businesses also recognize the danger of lifting the ban on nude dancing at establishments that have alcohol available saying that they will have to hire additional security. 

“Alcohol and nude dancing will only increase the incidences of rape and sexual assault.   Pornographers want this restriction lifted because they count the monetary intake at the end of the night and ignore the dangers not only to the dancers, but to the families of the men who may be visiting such a business.   They don’t count what really matters . . .  the human degradation and tragedy,” further commented Gramley.

The statute that was struck down last Tuesday had been in effect for over fifty years with only minor changes.  Apparently the judges on this three-judge panel haven’t taken a close look at the enforcement history of this law being restricted to so-called adult businesses.  This is yet another example of pornographers hiding behind the First Amendment, completely distorting what the Founding Fathers intended by it.

“The AFA of PA has called on Attorney General Tom Corbett to appeal this ruling.  In the court’s decision it acknowledges the negative secondary affects sexually oriented businesses have on communities, yet it felt compelled to strike our law protecting Pennsylvania’s families from those negative affects produced by businesses which offer alcohol and nude dancing.  It makes no sense and if the appeal process is not successful, then it will be up to legislators to rewrite the law to protect us,” Gramley noted. 

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CONTACT:  Diane Gramley  1.814.437.5355 or 1.814.271.9078

Philadelphia Phillies Can’t Have It Both Ways, Pro-Family Group Says – Either Support The Boy Scouts Or Support Their Opponents Through Gay Community Night

(Philadelphia) – This is the fourth year that the Philadelphia Phillies have sent a mixed message to the Boy Scouts in their city, a statewide pro-family group said today.  The American Family Association of Pennsylvania (AFA of  PA) has contacted the Phillies about the scheduled Gay Community Night on August 18. 

“Just a few weeks ago the City of Philadelphia renewed its effort to evict the Cradle of Liberty Scout Council from their headquarters in downtown Philly.  The City is bowing to pressure from homosexual groups because of the ban on open homosexuals as Scout leaders.  The Phillies have worked with the Boy Scout Explorers for 17 years . . . what kind of message is the Phillies sending these boys by hosting the very people who want to toss them out of the headquarters they’ve been in for decades,” questioned Diane Gramley, president of the AFA of PA.

In 1928 the Philadelphia City Council voted to allow the Boy Scouts to use the half acre of property rent free.  Shortly afterwards they built their headquarters and continue paying all maintenance costs.  The City’s Fair Practices ordinance has contained the words ‘sexual orientation’ since 1982, but it took until 2003 for homosexual activists to pressure the city to use the ordinance against the Scouts. 

The Phillies Gay Community Night is organized by Gay and Lesbian Lawyers of
Philadelphia (GALLOP) and the Philadelphia chapter of National Lesbian and Gay Journalists Association (NLGJA). 

“The Phillies must make a decision:  either continue working with the high school boys in their city participating in the Boy Scout Explorers Program helping them explore different career options or give them the message that their Scout Council and the National Office of the Boy Scouts are wrong.  How is it different to have a man who is sexually attracted to young boys be a Boy Scout leader than to have a man be a Girl Scout leader?  There is no difference and the Scouts have taken steps to prevent that scenario.  The Phillies would hit a home run in the eyes of the Explorers if they would not give special recognition to those who want to evict them,” stated Gramley.

The AFA of PA hopes that the Phillies will agree with the U.S. Supreme Court that the Boy Scouts are a private organization and have the right to determine who their leaders are.  Additionally, the AFA of PA continues to warn municipalities that by adding “sexual orientation” and “gender identity” to their Human Relations Ordinance they place the operation of the Boy Scouts in danger  . . . the situation in Philadelphia is a perfect example of what can happen by the addition of this language.


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CONTACT:  Diane Gramley   1.814.437.5355 or 1.814.271.9078

Pro-family Group Asks Three PA Congressmen, “Why Would You Allow Men Dressed as Women Come to Work?”

(Harrisburg) – The American Family Association of Pennsylvania (AFA of PA), a statewide pro-family group has contacted three Congressmen whose names appear on a Diversity Statement from Gender PAC and the Human Rights Campaign.  The statement “affirms that they do not discriminate in their own hiring based on employees' sexual orientation and gender identity and expression.”  The AFA of PA inquired of the Congressmen as to whether they understood the full ramifications of their statement.

The following Pennsylvania Representatives have signed onto the statement Rep. Robert Brady (D – 1st), Rep. Mike Doyle (D – 14th) and Rep. Jim Gerlach (R – 6th).

“The Human Rights Campaign is an organization that is pushing for so-called homosexual civil rights and same-sex marriage.  If that isn’t radical enough, Gender PAC supports men who believe they are women coming to work wearing a dress and high heels.  In essence, these three Pennsylvania Congressmen are saying they will permit men in dresses working in their offices.  I don’t believe that is a good message to be sent to their constituents,” commented Diane Gramley, president of the AFA of PA.

Additionally, Gender PAC supports the 5-year-old Florida boy starting kindergarten as a girl!

The e-mail statement to the Congressmen included this reminder:  “We, here in Pennsylvania, should be especially wary of the phrase ‘gender identity or expression.’  There was a situation in Carbon County  in 2003 where a male prison guard decided he was transgender and began coming to work dressed as a woman.  He was fired, but because of the prison union being from Allentown (which had added 'sexual orientation' and 'gender identity' to their Human Relations Ordinance in 2002), the guard sued and was reinstated.  As stated in our news release, the question of strip searches, locker room and bathroom usage must be considered in this case.” 

“The AFA of PA has asked Congressmen Brady, Doyle and Gerlach to reconsider their signatures on this so-called Diversity Statement.  Partnering with these two radical groups – Gender PAC and the Human Rights Campaign—sends the wrong message to their constituents.  I would hope the Congressmen do not approve of men coming to work dressed as women, but their signature on that document says that they do,” Gramley noted.


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CONTACT:  Diane Gramley   1.814.437.5355 or 1.814.271.9078

Pro-family Group Thanks Congressman Fitzpatrick for Support of Cradle of Liberty Scout Council

(Philadelphia) – Today in an e-mailed statement the American Family Association of Pennsylvania, (AFA of PA) a statewide pro-family organization, thanked Congressman Mike Fitzpatrick for his letter of support for the Cradle of Liberty Scout Council sent to Philadelphia Mayor John Street. 

“It is always encouraging when a Congressman is willing to get involved in a controversial issue and, unfortunately, defending the Boy Scouts has become controversial in today’s world. What is happening in Philadelphia should also get the attention of municipalities which are considering adding 'sexual orientation' to their ordinances.  As the AFA of PA has previously warned the potential for attacks on the Boy Scouts in these situations are very real,” ” explained Diane Gramley, president of the AFA of PA.

The stand-off began in 2003 when the City of Philadelphia decided to enforce its City’s Fair Practices Ordinance containing the words ‘sexual orientation.’  The astounding point is that this ordinance had been in place since 1982!   Why had the Boy Scouts suddenly become the ‘bad guys’?

“The AFA of PA totally agrees with Congressman Fitzpatrick that the City of Philadelphia needs the Boy Scouts to help counter the gun violence and gang activity that is becoming so prevalent that it warranted a televised appeal for peace from Mayor John Street last Thursday evening.  The Mayor and City Council needs to re-evaluate their attack on the Boy Scouts,” continued Gramley.

The effort to evict the Scouts centers around the National office’s ban on open homosexuals as Scout leaders.  This ban is for the safety of the boys who are placed in their charge.  As stories increasingly are reported about Scout leaders molesting little boys, the Boy Scouts should be applauded, not attacked. 

In January, 2004 the Cradle of Liberty Scout Council passed a non-discrimination statement that was approved by the Boy Scouts National office and the City of Philadelphia, or so the Cradle of Liberty thought.  The language of that policy from their website is as follows:

“Cradle of Liberty Council, Boy Scouts of America, operates to help children and their families in Delaware, Montgomery and Philadelphia counties in Southeastern Pennsylvania. As the most diverse youth serving organization in our service area, we are committed to this mission and we oppose any form of unlawful discrimination. All of our members repeatedly pledge to respect all people and defend the rights of others. Prejudice, intolerance and unlawful discrimination in any form are unacceptable within the ranks of Cradle of Liberty Council.”

“It appears the Cradle of Liberty Scout Council was completely blind-sided by this most recent threat to evict them from the headquarters that they built after the 1928 agreement with the Philadelphia City Council.  The current City Council is more concerned with appeasing homosexual activists than making a decision that is best for the 87,000 boys that the Scout Council helps annually.   As gunshots are heard daily in the streets of Philadelphia, our hope is that Mayor Street and the City Council will finally recognize the important role the Cradle of Liberty Scout Council plays in the lives of the young men roaming the streets of the City,” Gramley concluded.

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CONTACT:  Diane Gramley   1.814.437.5355 or 1.814.271.9078

Governor Rendell Continues Support of Lifestyle that Majority of Pennsylvanians View as Wrong, Pro-Family Group Says

(Harrisburg) – Governor Rendell’s participation in Harrisburg’s first pride parade on Saturday is further proof that he is out of touch with the majority of Pennsylvanians, the American Family Association of Pennsylvania (AFA of PA) noted today.  In June he became the first governor to participate in the Pittsburgh pride parade and festival.

“Governor Rendell is increasingly out of touch with the rest of the state when it comes to  so-called ‘gay’ rights and the marriage issue.  In Pittsburgh it was quite apparent that he not only opposes the effort to get a constitutional amendment passed in Pennsylvania, but wants same-sex marriage legalized,” Diane Gramley, president of the AFA of PA said. 

According to a June 18 Pittsburgh Post-Gazette article, Rendell said that the Pennsylvania Marriage Protection Amendment that was introduced in January would forbid private employers from extending domestic partner benefits to homosexuals and would prevent hospital visitation by same-sex partners. 

“What the Governor said in June concerning the Marriage Protection Amendment (MPA) was wrong.  Those who opposed the MPA refused to acknowledge what our legal counsel was saying in response to their criticisms . . . among them were private employers would not be prohibited from extending same-sex domestic partner benefits and hospital visitation would not be affected by the amendment.  It became quite apparent that some legislators do not want the people to vote on the definition of marriage . . . now the Governor has made it quite clear also.  Are they afraid that we are right and the majority of Pennsylvanians support one man one woman marriage?” questioned Gramley.

Further, in response to a lesbian couple attending the Pittsburgh parade and wearing t-shirts that said “Just Married in Canada,” Rendell said he hoped some day their t-shirts would read “Just Married in Pennsylvania.”

“Governor Rendell is wrong in equating ‘gay’ rights to civil rights.  Leaders in the black community are vocally objecting to such an assertion noting that homosexuals have never been denied the right to vote, have never been forced to sit in the back of the bus nor drink from ‘gay only’ water fountains.  The Rev. Jesse Jackson declared in February 2004 that the fight of gays and lesbians wanting to marry should not be compared to the fight African Americans faced for civil rights.  He, as a black man, gets it and it’s becoming increasingly apparent to all Pennsylvanians that the Governor does not,” Gramley concluded.


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CONTACT:  Diane Gramley  1.814.437.5355 or 1.814.271.9078

As Philadelphia Body Count Rises, City Continues Work to Evict Scouts

(Philadelphia) –   In a nine-minute live-televised message last night, Philadelphia Mayor John Street urged the teens of Philadelphia to lay their weapons down.  That is good advice noted the American Family Association of Pennsylvania (AFA of PA), but the Mayor forgot to mention one organization that provides leadership to over 40,000 boys in the City of Philadelphia – an organization that is being targeted for eviction by the City – the Cradle of Liberty Scout Council. 

“There was a quadruple shooting last night which led to the second death of the day and three more injured teens.  The City is blind not to see the good works that the Scouts are doing with these young men.    Mayor Street should be working vigorously to protect the Scouts from homosexual activists who are trying to make an example of the third largest Scout Council in the nation because of the national office’s policy to prohibit open homosexuals from leadership positions,” noted Diane Gramley, president of the AFA of PA.

Two hundred new police officers, a curfew, a new radio and TV ad campaign and increased social services to young people between the ages of 10 and 25 are all good ideas.  But if the Mayor and City Council were really concerned about street violence they would be working hand in hand with the Scouts and encouraging their programs, not seeking to force a cut in programs for the boys helped by the Scouts. 

“Philadelphia’s continued violence highlights the need for an organization like the Boy Scouts.  Those who don’t agree with the Boy Scouts ban on open homosexual leaders have other organizations they can join.   Reneging on an almost 80 year old agreement with the Scouts is a disgrace and will further hurt the City,” continued Gramley.

During the Mayor’s address, he mentioned already existing federal funding cuts.  If the City of Philadelphia carries out its threat of evicting the Boy Scouts, it stands to lose up to an additional $65 million annually in federal housing and community development funds because of the Support Our Scouts Act.      

“The Mayor and City Council have a big decision to make – continue bowing to homosexual activists and evict the Scouts, possibly losing $65 million in federal funds or do the right thing for the City and allow the Cradle of Liberty to stay in their headquarters rent free.  The ball’s in your court, Mayor,” Gramley concluded.


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CONTACT:  Diane Gramley   1.814.437.5355 or 1.814.271.9078

Washington Supreme Court Gets It Right – Who Will be Next, Traditional Values Group Asks

(Harrisburg) --  Today by a vote of 5-4 the Supreme Court of the State of Washington ruled that state’s Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) is constitutional.  The DOMA defines marriage as the union between one man and one woman.  The case was the combination of two cases – one brought by the ACLU and same-sex couples and a case in which judges in Thurston and King Counties overturned Washington’s DOMA in 2004.  The American Family Association of Pennsylvania (AFA of PA), a statewide traditional values group, applauds the Washington State Supreme Court for the ruling, but also wonders which state will be the next target.

“Same-sex couples and the ACLU will continue their assault on states’ DOMAs until they find another court that is friendly to their cause such as in Massachusetts.  The Washington decision was a split decision – a 5-4 decision is too close for comfort.  This decision continues to emphasize the need for a state Marriage Protection Amendment,” Diane Gramley, president of the AFA of PA remarked today.

It was heartening that the state Supreme Court wrote: "A judge's role when deciding a case, including the present one, is to measure the challenged law against the constitution and the cases that have applied the constitution. Personal views must not interfere with the judge's responsibility to decide cases as a judge and not as a legislator. This, after all, is one of the three legs supporting the rule of law. Here, the solid body of constitutional law disfavors the conclusion that there is a right to marry a person of the same sex."

“This was a very significant ruling because, unlike Massachusetts, Washington does not have a residency requirement to get married.  If the court had declared Washington’s DOMA unconstitutional, homosexual couples from around the nation could have flocked to Washington to get married, then returned to their home states to challenge their home state’s DOMA.   But again the question:  Which state will be in the crosshairs of the ACLU next? Even with the recent court decisions upholding marriage as between one man and one woman, those who seek to get same-sex marriage legalized will not stop their efforts to redefine marriage,” commented Gramley.

Again this decision emphasizes the need for Pennsylvania legislators to give the people a chance to vote on the definition of marriage.   This decision, which will greatly impact all 12 million Pennsylvanians, needs to be a decision made by the people . . . not legislators who are afraid to let the people vote and certainly not judges!



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CONTACT:  Diane Gramley   1.814.437.5355 or 1.814.271.9078

Philadelphia Becomes an Embarrassment to the Rest of Pennsylvania, Pro-Family Group Says

(Harrisburg)  Increasingly Philadelphia is isolating itself from the rest of Pennsylvania and is becoming an embarrassment, the American Family Association of Pennsylvania (AFA of PA), a statewide pro-family group said today.   In a faxed statement to Mayor Street, the AFA of PA expressed dismay that,

q    despite the health risk involved, the city continues to cater to homosexuals.  The CDC continues to report that 2 out of 3 cases of HIV infection are men who have sex with men (MSM); an 800% increase in anal cancer among MSM and a syphilis and gonorrhea epidemic exists in the homosexual community.

q    The city continues to target the Boy Scouts because of their policy to protect the young men in their charge from potential homosexual predators.  The U.S. Supreme Court has determined the Boy Scouts, as a private organization, can exclude open homosexual men as Scout leaders. 

Philadelphia recently promoted itself as a homosexual tourist mecca through the flying of 40 bannersover the Chicago Gay Games.  Before their departure, an official, acting on behalf of Philadelphia Mayor John Street, presented a proclamation to the 120 local athletes who attended the ‘gay games.’  They then left Philadelphia wearing t-shirts with the ‘gay’ tourism slogan, “Philadelphia: Get Your History Straight and Your Nightlife Gay."   Apparently this is part of its three-year, $300,000 campaign begun in December 2003 to market itself as a 'gay-friendly' city.  Despite the media hype and thousands of dollars spent on promotion, it turns out the ‘gay games were a flop with only 30,000 people (including the athletes) attending the opening "Games" ceremonies at Soldier Field on July 15th. Based on the games' estimate of 9,000 athletes, that means this homosexual celebration attracted only 21,000 spectators for its most important debut ceremony.    How many Philadelphia dollars were wasted on this self-promotion at the ‘gay’ games?   

“The City of Philadelphia’s actions do not reflect the rest of Pennsylvania nor really the majority of Philadelphia residents.  Good people in Philadelphia are being held hostage by pro-homosexual politicians, those targeting homosexuals for tourism and now targeting the Boy Scouts,” noted Diane Gramley, president of the AFA of PA.

The city is poised to evict the Scouts from their headquarters, where they have been located since 1928.  At that time, the City Council voted that the Scouts could use the half acre of ground rent free in perpetuity.  In the meantime the Scouts built and currently maintains their headquarters.

The Cradle of Liberty Scout Council, the third largest in the nation, serves 87,000 boys in Philadelphia, Montgomery and Delaware Counties.  Forty thousand of those served are in the City of Philadelphia.  Under pressure from homosexual activists they have lost funding from the United Way of Southeastern PA and Pew Charitable Trust.

“When there are almost daily reports of children being shot or involved in the drug war, why would the city choose to punish the Cradle of Liberty Scout Council?  Once again Mayor Street and the City of Philadelphia are bowing to pressure from homosexual activists and targeting an organization that is helping the boys in the city . . . which is more than the city can say they are doing,” Gramley declared. 

“The boys involved in the Scouts are caught in a tug-of-war with those who seek to change society through homosexual activism and choose to be blind to the facts of the dangers of this lifestyle,”  Gramley concluded

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CONTACT:  Diane Gramley  1.814.271.9078 or 1.814.437.5355

                     Michael Marcavage   1.800-3-REPENT, ext. 5           
                     Barbara Franco (Executive Director, PHMC)  1.717.787


One Year Anniversary of Gay Historical Marker Approaches . . . Nomination for Philadelphia Eleven is Rejected


(Philadelphia) – In October 2004 eleven Christians were arrested and charged with a hate crime for reading Scripture and singing choruses at the Philadelphia Outfest event.  This was the first time in United States history that Christians were charged with a hate crime for such activities.   Because of the historic significance of the arrests of the Philadelphia Eleven, the American Family Association of Pennsylvania (AFA of PA) nominated them for an historic marker. 


Yet, the Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission (PHMC) does not see the importance of recognizing such an historic event.  In a letter dated March 17, the PHMC rejected the nomination of the Philadelphia Eleven.


“Hate crimes charges – facing up to 45 years in prison and $90,000 in fines for preaching the Gospel and singing choruses on a city street – is an historic event in America.  Whatever happened to the First Amendment?  The arrests of the Philadelphia Eleven deserve historic recognition, that is why we filed the nomination form with the Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission last December,” commented Diane Gramley, president of the AFA of PA. 


In February 2005 all charges were finally dropped against the Christians.  One month later the PHMC approved the nomination of a site for a ‘gay’ historical marker commemorating ‘gay rights’ demonstrations across from Independence Hall.  That marker was unveiled on July 1, 2005. 


“The PHMC can commemorate the site of homosexual demonstrations on the false premise of civil rights.  Yet they readily deny the historic significance of the first hate crimes charges against Christians for singing choruses and reading Scripture at a homosexual event.  Is there a double standard here?” Gramley questioned.


The AFA of PA also noted that some of the same reasons used to reject their nomination of the Philadelphia Eleven were used by the AFA of PA when the PHMC approved the ‘gay’ historical marker.  Notably the Philadelphia Eleven nomination was rejected because


q    That only historical subjects (rather than current events) be considered

q    That historically recognized personages shall no longer be living, and that the place of their accomplishments in history shall have become established.


In an April 19, 2005 news release (and followed up by a June 16, 2005 news release) the AFA of PA pointed out that the PHMC was not following their own guidelines and asked them to rescind their approval of the ‘gay’ historical marker.  The participants of the 1965 homosexual demonstrations helped fill out the nomination form and the so-called historic event of these demonstrations only had significances to about 3% of the population in America. 


“As the first anniversary of Pennsylvania’s shame approaches -- because we were the first state to recognize a homosexual event with an historical marker – the AFA of PA is again calling on the PHMC to reconsider their approval of this desecration of Independence Hall and to correct their revision of history,” Gramley stated.


Documentation included in the nomination form sent to the Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission (PHMC) included quotes from attorneys:


“We believe this is the first case in the United States where someone was charged with a hate crime for ministering the Gospel in public," stated Ted Hoppe, attorney for the Philadelphia Eleven. "This case not only involves an effort to suppress the Christian viewpoint and to keep that viewpoint from being expressed in the public square, it also demonstrates a complete lack of regard by the City of Philadelphia for the basic right to free speech and free exercise of religion," Hoppe continued. 


(Brian) Fahling said that at the preliminary hearing in December, the Philadelphia city prosecutor in the case, Charles Ehrlich, attacked the defendants as "hateful" and referred to preaching the Bible as "fighting words," a characterization, the law group says, with which Judge Meehan agreed.  


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CONTACT:  Diane Gramley   1.814.271.9078 or 1.814.437.5355

Senate Votes to Allow Counterfeit Marriage, Pro-family Group Says  

(Harrisburg) – Tonight’s 38 – 12 vote in the Pennsylvania Senate would allow civil unions or counterfeit marriage to be legalized.  This action is not a vote to protect marriage, but a vote to destroy traditional marriage, noted the American Family Association of Pennsylvania (AFA of PA). 

“Unlike the House, the Senate doesn’t get it.  Marriage Protection is an important issue and every step must be taken – including banning civil unions – to protect it from redefinition,” stated Diane Gramley, president of the AFA of PA.

The more than two to one vote in the House on June 6 in favor of the stronger language represents the voice of the people, not tonight’s vote.  In recent days the AFA of PA has delivered over 4,000 names to several of the senators.  These names represented a small portion of the total number of individuals who have signed petitions supporting a Marriage Protection Amendment defining marriage as between one man and one woman AND banning civil unions.  Homosexual activists view civil unions as a stepping stone to same-sex marriage.

“Any senator tonight who voted for the weaker language actually voted against marriage.  They cannot hide behind ‘I support marriage as between one man and one woman’ and then vote to allow civil unions or counterfeit marriage.  A look at the Scandinavia countries shows what will happen if any form of same-sex marriage is legalized -- marriage no longer means anything,” reiterated Gramley.

The action last week by the Senate Judiciary Committee to strip the stronger language, in essence, killed the bill. 

“The Senate is out of touch with the people of Pennsylvania and the vote tonight proves it more than ever,” Gramley concluded.


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CONTACT:  Diane Gramley   1.814.437.5355 or 1.814.271.9078

Traditional Values Group Applauds President Bush for Signing Broadcast Decency Bill

(Harrisburg)—A statewide anti-pornography group applauded President Bush’s signature on a bill that will either drastically change the landscape of television programming or be very expensive for the networks that don’t comply.  The American Family Association of Pennsylvania (AFA of PA) views the Broadcast Decency Enforcement Act as a step in the right direction of cleaning up the networks.  It gives the FCC a more powerful tool to get the networks attention by increasing the fines ten fold.

“When networks have to fork over $325,000 per indecent incident instead of $32,500, this should help them understand the responsibility they have in providing programming that is safe for children and adults to watch,” commented Diane Gramley, president of the AFA of PA.

Parents are concerned about what is brought into their homes via the television.  A poll conducted last year found that about six in 10 Americans are "very concerned" about what children see and hear on television, in movies, in video games and in music lyrics.  The poll was conducted by the Pew Research Center for the People & the Press.

“The broadcast decency laws are not changed by this new law, but the effectiveness of the FCC’s efforts to clean up the airwaves will be enhanced by this ten fold increase.  The AFA of PA agrees with President Bush when he said, ‘Broadcasters also have a duty to respect common decency. . . .’   This new law now gives the FCC’s bark some bite and should help the networks understand Americans are tired of the sexually charged and offensive material that they are providing in the name of entertainment,” concluded Gramley.

The FCC once was one of the government's most obscure agencies, created by Congress in 1934 to license radio and television stations and make sure they adhered to their assigned spaces on the airwaves. As technology became more prevalent in the everyday lives of Americans, the FCC's responsibilities deepened. It now regulates the use of most forms of telecommunications, including telephones and the Internet.

Under FCC rules, over-the-air television and radio stations cannot broadcast material involving sexual and excretory functions between 6 a.m. and 10 p.m., when children might tune in. The FCC does not regulate content that airs on cable and satellite television.

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CONTACT:  Diane Gramley  1.814.437.5355 or 1.814.271.9078

PA Senate Judiciary Committee Votes Against Preserving Traditional Marriage

(Harrisburg) – Today’s vote in the Pennsylvania Senate Judiciary Committee is outrageous, The American Family Association of Pennsylvania (AFA of PA), a statewide pro-family group said in reaction to the 9-5 vote to weaken the language of H.B. 2381, the Marriage Protection Amendment.  The members of the Senate Judiciary Committee just don’t get it – traditional marriage needs to be protected and civil unions must be addressed in any Marriage Protection Amendment or the word ‘marriage’ is all that is preserved. 

Oregon is a perfect example: 

In November 2004 it was one of eleven states that passed constitutional amendments.  Its amendment language is:  It is the policy of Oregon, and its political subdivisions, that only a marriage between one man and one woman shall be valid or legally recognized as a marriage."  Within seven months there was an attempt to legalize civil unions!

“The issue must be dealt with now . . . all the doors must be closed to same-sex marriage and civil unions is just marriage by another name.  Civil unions and traditional marriages are so similar that the only significant difference is that civil unions do not receive federal benefits.  An amendment that does not deal with both is not worth the paper it is written on,” commented Diane Gramley, president of the AFA of PA.

Senator Jane Earll of Erie offered the amendment stripping the strong language of H.B. 2381.  Yesterday the AFA of PA delivered over 800 letters from her constituents in favor of the Marriage Protection Amendment.  She will now have to face those constituents.

“Pennsylvanians understand the issue better than their Senators give them credit.  They understand that civil unions must be addressed or traditional marriage will be weakened because homosexual activists will continue pushing for same-sex marriage.  Even homosexual activists recognize civil unions will be used as a stepping stone to legalize same-sex marriage, continued Gramley.

In April 2005 Connecticut tried to deal with the issue of same-sex marriage by legalizing civil unions.  There is an ongoing lawsuit to get same-sex marriage legalized and the Gay & Lesbian Advocates & Defenders (GLAD) said in legal papers they filed that the legislative remedy of civil unions actually strengthens the case for marriage equality.

Former Human Rights Campaign President Cheryl Jacques, said, "Civil unions are not the solution. Even if civil unions provided all the same legal protections of marriage — which they don't — they would still be a separate and unequal system."

“If the Senate is not willing to deal with the issue of marriage in its entirety – same-sex marriage and civil unions – then they send the clear message to their constituents that they are not willing to take the tough stand necessary to protect one man one woman marriage,” Gramley concluded.

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CONTACT:  Diane Gramley   1.814.271.9078 or 1.814.437.5355

Marriage Issue:  Alabama and Pennsylvania Get it on Tuesday, U.S. Senate Misses Out on Wednesday, But It Should Have Been Different, Pro-Family Group Says

(Harrisburg)  --  On Tuesday Alabama became the 20th state to pass a constitutional amendment defending traditional marriage.  In addition, the Pennsylvania House, by a vote of 137 to 60, passed a constitutional amendment to protect marriage – the first step in a long process before the question reaches the voters.  However, the U.S. Senate still doesn’t get it, the American Family Association of Pennsylvania (AFA of PA), a statewide pro-family group said today.  The AFA of PA has done an analysis of Wednesday’s Senate vote and found that some Senators’ votes do not correspond with what their constituents ‘back home’ are saying about marriage.  If they had voted the way their constituents voted on this issue, the outcome would have been different and SJ Res. 1 would be headed to the floor of the Senate for a vote.

On Wednesday, forty-nine Senators voted to end debate on the Federal Marriage Protection Amendment and to send the bill to the Senate floor for a vote – 48 voted against it.  Of the 48 who voted against the amendment, 14 come from states that have already passed constitutional amendments or some other marriage initiatives that have been brought before the voters.  If those senators had voted as the majority of their constituents voted, the cloture vote would have been successful.  Additionally, if Senator Chuck Hagel of Nebraska had been there to vote the end-result would have been 64 – 34 – end of debate (with Senators Dodd and Rockefeller still not voting)!

“The vote in the U.S. Senate further proves that many Senators are out of touch with what is happening outside the Beltway.  Tens of millions of Americans have voted to protect marriage as between one man and one woman and their own Senators are not even getting the message that this is an important issue.  It appears some Senators may have blinders on,” commented Diane Gramley, president of the AFA of PA.

Unlike in July 2004 when both Pennsylvania U.S. Senators voted to end debate on the Marriage Protection Amendment, Senator Arlen Specter chose to vote against protecting marriage as between one man and one woman. 

“The AFA of PA thanks Senator Santorum for his bold stands to protect marriage.  Marriage will definitely be a campaign issue in the Pennsylvania U.S. Senate race as there is such a stark difference between the two candidates.  Senator Santorum once again showed where he stands on the issue by his vote on Wednesday and Bob Casey is on record opposing federal and state Marriage Protection Amendments.  In February, Bob Casey called traditional marriage a narrow, intolerant ideology.  There’s no doubt where the two candidates stand on this issue,” concluded Gramley.

With the upcoming November elections, marriage protection should be a campaign issue in every state and voters should ask any candidate where they stand on the issue.  First Lady Laura Bush is wrong in advising incumbents not to make marriage a campaign issue.

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CONTACT:            Diane Gramley   814.437-5355 or 814.271.9078

Pennsylvania Takes First Step In Protecting Traditional Marriage, Pro-family Group Commends House

(Harrisburg) – Today’s vote in the State House  to  protect one man one woman sends a clear message that marriage is an important issue to Pennsylvanians noted the American Family Association of Pennsylvania (AFA of PA).  There can be no more important issue than protecting the foundation of society – without that foundation a nation crumbles. 

“The 136-61 vote in the House to protect marriage draws a stark line between those who want to protect marriage and children and those who either don’t want to take this all important step or don’t fully understand the ramifications if same-sex marriage were to be legalized in Pennsylvania,” stated Diane Gramley, president of the AFA of PA.

“Only a marriage between one man and one woman shall be valid
or recognized as a marriage in this Commonwealth, and neither
the Commonwealth nor any of its political subdivisions shall
create or recognize a legal union identical or substantially
equivalent to that of marriage for unmarried individuals.”
Just a few years ago those words would not have been considered controversial.  Now, at 
least one Pennsylvania legislator has compared the supporters of that language to the Taliban.  
Marriage is not only important to Pennsylvanians, but others around the nation.  Currently six 
states will be voting on Marriage Protection Amendments to their respective Constitutions this 
year.  Four other states are working to get a ballot initiative before their people by the end of the year.
“As Pennsylvania works to join the other nineteen states that have already passed constitutional 
amendments, we must never forget that the effort we put forth today will protect children and families 
for future generations.  Children need to understand that marriage is between a man and a woman.  
Children need a mommy and a daddy,” Gramley commented.
This effort will give the people of Pennsylvania the opportunity to vote on the definition of marriage 
and not leave it up to an activist judge to declare our Defense of Marriage Act unconstitutional.  Four 
days before Pennsylvania’s Marriage Protection Amendment was introduced in the House an activist 
judge declared Maryland’s Defense of Marriage Act unconstitutional .  
Let the People Vote!
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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE:              June 5, 2006
CONTACT:   Diane Gramley    1.814.437.5355 or 1.814.271.9078

Faith Coalition is Misleading and Off-Base, Pro-Family Group Says

(Harrisburg) – According to a news release issued on Friday, a news conference is to be held in the Capitol today announcing the formation of a new ‘faith coalition’ that opposes the Marriage Protection Amendment.   The American Family Association of Pennsylvania (AFA of PA), a statewide pro-family group, expressed concern that such a group could be misleading and contrary to the Word of God they supposedly represent. 

“Protecting traditional marriage and defining it as only between one man and one woman is not contrary to the beliefs of members of every major religion in the world.  The Bible is quite clear that marriage is between the opposite sexes and homosexual relationships are considered sinful,” stated Diane Gramley, president of the AFA of PA.

On May 22 there was a similar effort by a group called Clergy for Fairness in Washington, D.C.  This group is made up of mainstream denominations.  One of the speakers at that event, and also the Harrisburg event, was the Rev. Dr. Riess Potterveld, President of the Lancaster Theological Seminary.  The news release issued on Friday failed to mention:

q      Lancaster Theological Seminary is a seminary of the United Church of Christ (UCC)

q      the leadership in the UCC endorsed same-sex marriage last year

q      this decision has caused some churches within the denomination to quit sending money to the national office, others have voted to leave the denomination

q      Central Baptist Church in Wayne is with  the American Baptist Church and affiliated with the Association of Welcoming and Affirming Baptists

q      The American Baptist Church is known for its support of homosexual issues

q      St. Mary of Grace Church in Media is actually St. Mary of Grace Independent Catholic Church.  According to their website, they are a “Vatican-free Catholic Community in Philadelphia.” 

q      The MCC or Metropolitan Community Church is a church with a largely homosexual membership.

“The endorsement of same-sex marriage and homosexuality by those in leadership in some churches will further cause a split within their own churches and the faith community.  You cannot accept the Bible as the literal Word of God and accept those things which it condemns,” continued Gramley.

Pennsylvania needs a Marriage Protection Amendment to protect this foundation of our society from activist judges and those who seek to redefine marriage and family.  The majority of Americans not just members of the faith community, recognize marriage as between one man and one woman and opposes same-sex marriage.   

There will be another news conference/rally of those who hold traditional values on June 6th at 12:00 p.m. in Ryan Office Building, Room 205, in The Capitol.  This will be in support of the Pennsylvania Marriage Protection Amendment and the Rafferty Amendment which would remove the $4.43 million in state funding for "family planning services" in the 2006-2007 budget. 


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Copyright 2002-2008  American Family Association of PA